Wednesday 9 October 2013


The findings from our research gave us a greater understanding of what our target audience want and expect to see within a music video. Our case study and questionnaires were given to a wide range of people aged between 12 to 40 years old and highlighted popular elements within a music video. Our results were shown to us through our pie charts and our one on one interviews allowed us to see unprepared reactions to our chosen artist and elements we want to include within our video such as a narrative based video with elements of performance. The answers we received were interesting and gave us a lot to think about.Our research has assisted us in our planning and has shown us the popular elements that are liked by our target audience of younger 13-25 year olds. We will now consider including a more performance within our video and how our target audience wish the artist to be represented as the majority of people we questioned preferred this along side a narrative.

The purpose of a target audience is having a clear group of people in which to target a specific publication, video or advertisement at. In the music industry a target audience is important as it allows us to narrow down the type of people we want to enjoy our music video.  Our research into the music industry allowed us to understand that to target a music video to a specific age group effects the success and profit of the video. For example, younger people are generally more interested in music and are more likely to be engaging with music videos, therefore as an artist targeting this age group with a interesting, impressive video will earn them and there record label more money as the target audience will want to buy the song based on the quality of video that the artist produces. We carried out primary research with our questionnaires, in order to find what the people of today want to see in the music video and what makes a video enjoyable. Our video interview research gave us a further insight into this as the people questioned were able to give us there own ideas and elaborate from just black and white questionnaires. Our vox pops were a success as the questions and answers received in this way were more detailed and being in close contact with these people allowed us to meet our target audience face to face and get a better feel of who we want to successfully appeal too.

We asked 40 people in total aged between 12 and 40. A wide diverse cross section gave our results more diversity and allowed us to compare what younger and more mature audiences expect to see in music videos. A large proportion of people wished to see the artist within the video being reckless. This was interesting and typical of a younger group of people who wish videos to be exciting and stimulating to watch. We will take this on board and try to incorporate a reckless element to our artist without making the video explicit which would limit our audience and make our video less successful.
The majority of the people interviewed were aged between 12 and 19 this target audience wanted the artist to be iconic so we will listen to their opinions the most in order to make our music appealing to a younger audience. A question we also asked in our questionnaire is whether people preferred upbeat or slow elements in music videos. The vast majority liked the idea of an upbeat music video. despite out chosen song being quite mellow and slow we have decided to make the video upbeat and have strong elements of a pop video style, but with diverse iconography that is a common feature in indie music videos. The final question we received that made us think about our music video, was have you heard of Nina Nesbitt? the modal answer of this was no. Rather than discouraging us from using Nina as our chosen artist, it actually made us want to use her more as the audience wont have preconceptions of her therefor allowing us to display our artist as different and non simply a copy that the audience already recognise making our video more of a success.

Subculture in the music industry is defined by a group of people who unite against a common value system. These people are positioned outside the mainstream with traditional or neophyte (new ideas) that they build onto an exsisting genre. There is also a tribal/gang rivalry as well as contrasting elements such as attitudes to capitalism and consumerism, links to values and conformity and rebellionWhen studying subculture we came across three different ideas from numerous media theorists. The first one was a man named McCraken who stated that music genres are diverse, creative and dynamic. The post modern world is filled with diversity and music videos dipict dynamic creativity. If we look at the array of values and idealogies we cant say that all sub cultures come from one culture therefore new sub cultures are constantly being created. CCSS ignores Cracken and states that all subcultures come from the mainstream because people want to rebel against it. Pop is the mainstream, therefore people rebel and listen to other Genres. Hebdige came to the conclusion that all subcultures only appear to be different, yet orignate from the same subculture that changes slightly.

Our music video fits in mainly with CCSS's views of music video, as it will feature strong elements of the pop genre yet with indie and alternative twists. The upbeat narrative being typical of a pop video but with iconic iconography which is typical of an indie music video. CCSS, also fits in with our music video ideas as people will listen to our music video and be exposed to a new music genre therefor rebelling against conformist pop and making our music video a success.

1 comment:

  1. Your evaluation, demonstrates some understanding of why primary research is essential to carry out, and how it assisted you into understanding information about your target audience and what they wished to see within a music video. You have considered the different forms of primary research, that you carried out, but you need to discuss how your research will assist you with planning your music video.

    You have also included the different subculture theories and have considered following the CCC's view. But further examples are needed, by relating the theory points back to the style and content of your music video.
