Friday 4 October 2013

Research into Goodwins Theory

Goodwin’s Theory

Music theory is an important aspect to analyze because of audience. By looking at and analyzing the theory of music video’s and the elements included in these theories the viewer can funny understand how the video appeals to the audience and why the videos include particular elements.
Andrew Goodwin writing in ‘Dancing in the Distraction Factory’ (Routledge 1992) There are seven characteristics included in this theory.

1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g stage performance in metal video, dance routine for boy/girl band)

2. There is a relationship between music + visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting)
3. Relationship between lyrics + visuals
4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style)
5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body
6. There is often intersexual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc)
7. Whether the video is primarily performance based, narrative based or concept based and hoe elements of each is used in it.

Analyzing music videos are vitally important as it allows us as the audience to break down the conventions that are expected to be seen within any  music video. Looking within a music video, you would typically expect to find dancing, singing or instrument being played, depending on what type of genre the music video comes under. The theory I shall be exploring during this Essay Is Goodwin's theory, and the seven characteristics he expects to find within a music video. For this I looked at the music video 'WILD' by British artist Jessie J. this video is very conventional of the pop music genre and has the seven characteristics that are featured in Goodwin's theory.

The first point he expects to see is how the music video demonstrates genre characteristics. Within this music video Jessie J uses a semi routine. As she repeats the same dance moves over, but she effectively hides this to appear as if she is dancing along to the song. The fact she is dancing is conventional to the dance music genre which widens her target audience and makes the song appeal to more people in clubs and bars which would now wish to play her track.

Secondly, the element used would be the relationship between the music and visuals. This is evident as Jessie J dancing to the beat throughout the music video. It shows that the song has a beat that can be danced to. This would then appeal to the target audience as the age group she is targeting would want to listen and buy that song. The purpose would be too sell more albums and songs to make more profit.

The third characteristic that Goodwin expects to see covered with a music video is the relationship between lyrics and visuals. This was evident when she sings “is this a dream or am I alive” where she touches her head and moves her body around showing that she has woken herself up and that her 'crazy' lifestyle is in fact a reality.  The way in which she walks on set also shows her to be owning the stage therefor making her the key character in the song and also an ordinary yet extraordinary idol as the set is visible yet she appears as an attractive superstar.This appeals to an audience who see Jessie to be completely honest with them, yet still shows her to be attractive and talented as the set looks like a fashion modeling set in which she appears flawless as if on a magazine. This relates to the audience is females would look at her and wish to be her.

The next element is the demand of a label to make the artist a label. The producers have done this within Jessie J’s video as they have close ups on her to show her facial expressions, and her iconic edgy hairstyle. The record label has also used a colabration with two major artists one being dizie rascal. The purpose of this is again to widen the audience therefore attracting Dizzee rascal fans. Jessie J appears iconic wearing all black which contrasts with the high key white lighting this makes her stand out as an artist which for the record label is ideal as it makes her more of a success and inspires the target audience who would want to be like her. This would then promote the fashion therefore making her a fashion icon and label. The target audience would want to wear her clothes and copy her style.

The fifth point that Goodwin thinks is a common feature is the frequent reference to nation of looking and particular voyenuristic between the female bodies. It is evident in the music video from the long shot when her whole body is shown that Jessie is wearing minimal provocative clothing. This shows off her assets and her amazing figure. The purpose of this is to sell the artist as a sexy young attractive female not only to gain male attention but also to become an idol for women who would want to be like her. This basically makes the target audience much lager therefore her song becomes more successful and she is able to sell more albums. T

The sixth element needed is the often intertexual reference to films, mags and TV programmes. This is evident when  Jessie comes out in an all black leotard and iconically big earrings therefor selling the clothes to her audience who would want to go out and buy similar clothing to be like her. This also opens doors for the artist as she can start new trends therefor making more money and being more of a success.
The final element of Goodwins theory is looking at whether the video is primarily narrative or performance based. This video Wild is 99% performance based meaning there is nearly no narrative whatsoever. The purpose of this is to advertise purely the song and to promote the artist in an iconic and surreal setting.This is conventional of pop videos as the artist is made into an icon and therefore videos such as this make Jessie J more successful.

Looking at this theory has greatly enhanced my knowledge of music videos and allowed me to break down the conventions of music videos with ease. This theory will help me further when creating my own music videos and guide myself and my group on what to include that will make our video a success.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what Goodwin's theory is. You have identified the correct points within your analysis and you have also related your points to some well chosen examples.

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Discuss the purpose of each theory point in more detail, by considering the relationship between the artist and the audience
    2) Consider your inspirations in more detail, when focusing on the summary points
