Friday 1 November 2013

Planning Lighting and Colours

Lighting and colour within a music video is used to portray both the mood and feel of a music video. The changing colour can have connotations with hidden meanings, perhaps black and white to show a memory and also high key lighting to show a happy part of the video and low key lighting to express dark themes within the video.

Include still images to support your points

The lighting we will include will vary considerable and will not always follow conventions of mood. Whilst in the inner city at night we will use dark colours to show the reckless behavior of the teenagers smoking, and we will also shoot our artist and her boyfriend under blue light which will give of a cool edgy vibe typical of an indie video. During the day time high key lighting will express both happiness and arguments within the council estate. This is because it will show that during the day the turbulent relationship continues. In the bedroom scenes we will use low key lighting to show the intimacy between the couples and the tension  between the two people.

The blue colour connotes a cool and edgy atmosphere which will show the artist in a diverse environment in the inner city. This will be reflective of the indie genre and show the artist to be iconic and make her successful to the audience. The low key lighting with the glow of fairy lights and candles used in the bedroom scene shows passion and we will also edit more colours into the editing style to express the indie and pop vibe to the audience to make the video more interesting for the audience and highlight the diverse locations used in our videos. Low key lighting will further show the different outfits that will be indie and edgey therefore marketing our artist as different and showing her in a desirable and unique light.

The lighting and colour subverts genre, with the indie genre focusing on diverse iconography and heavily looking at the narrative of the video which we will show through high key and expressive colourful lighting aswell as low key moody light effects that will portray the raw emotion in the video, this is typical of the indie genre. The audience will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the song through our use of lighting showing the happy memories expressed throughout the video. This choice of lighting makes each specific scene stand out and make the video easier to understand for our target audience and engage them on different levels.

This relationship will continue to build as the audience will be able to see the diverse locations used including inner city areas and council estates around London. This will help with the understand of the narrative and show the artist in a realistic setting and make her and boyfriends relationship exciting and realistic. High key natural light will show this reality, with exciting and reckless behavior at night evoking emotion in the artist and fulfilling there request for a reckless and diverse figure.

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates proficient planning techniques. You have considered a variety of lighting techniques that you would like to include within your music video and the effect it will create. But further explanation of where it will be evident is needed, to demonstrate further planning.

    Now you need to focus on the conventions of indie in further detail and also aim to include still images to support the points that you have made.
