Wednesday 12 February 2014

Target Audience Feedback

Audience feedback is vitally important to a production as it allows the media producers to analyze their own work and see where or not the media product has successfully reached the target audience and been a success. This is seen via the feedback an audience give the video or film and can influence future productions as the producers are able to see what has worked well and what can be improved. My own audience feedback was  was seen through the screening of production via the rough cut, focus groups which looked at the target demographic and insured we had included elements that would appeal to a certain audience and also the questionnaires which allowed us to see first hand reactions about our own ideas and possible narrative ideas we could include that would be a success.

This feedback would benefit my production as well as the industry as it would allow myself and my group to have a clear idea regarding who we are aiming our product at whether or not the audience would find our product eye catching. This would determine whether or not our overall product would be a successful as positive feedback means our product was, and constructive criticisms giving myself some scope for improvement .

3 positive comments.

Ami Mathews 19 said, Drew, this is really flippin good!!! I love the narrative, so clever.

This comment appears complimentary to our media product, and is reassuring to me as it proves that our video is being positively received by our target audience. The comment on the narrative again shows that our research into what people wanted to see has been a success, as the narrative has been made successful and easy to understand by the target audience.

Rowan Jones 23, Georgia's hair looks amazing, so hip cx I love her style as well! wish i had a jacket like that.

A humerous comment from Rowan again is positive as it compliments the use of style throughout the video, the fact she used the word ' hip ' also indicates that the style of our artist was successful as she is appearing iconic and conventional to the indie genre.

Daniel Shoesmith 16, Nice one mate, love the colors proper professional! the colours are so vibrant and really adds to the effect of the video

This comment is positive feedback on the cinematography and the element of lighting within our video. It is good to see that this person enjoys the diverse lighting and effect choices and that our lighting structure has been successful and diverse.

3 Constructive comments,

Amy Palmer 19,  I love it, what happens next!! I want to see more of the arist, didnt really get why she was in the forst tbh.

Although this comment to me appears unjust, we could have had a greater explanation of the narrative towards the end of the video, and some form of clarification as to why Georgia was in the forest. This would have been possible if the video was longer however knowing that we only had 3 minutes to fill, I think our final product could not be anymore explanatory.

David Watson 40, Why does there have to be smoking? bit of a bad influence on kids that might be watching this.

David poses an interesting comment, however the use of smoking although maybe controversial just highlights the reckless nature of the teenagers that we were trying to accurately portray. The research conducted shows that many people within our target audience wanted to see a reckless style, and the fact we chose smoking was a further convention to indie music. I would also argue that although David comment is valid and we will take his opinion on board, his age falls outside the target audience age group therefore out video isn't aimed towards him meaning he may not understand or want to view our video making our targeting of a younger audience still successful.

Paul Marks 28, This is great, seems professional yet if im being picky at times the camera appears a bit shakey? dont know if you wanna sort that out or not.

Paul's comment is a valid one, and we did substantially limit the amount of hand held camera work in order to appear more professional. I think we could have maybe spent more time filming in order to obtain a higher quality of footage. This would make our video more successful and on a more professional level.

Overall I have followed the aims of my brief which was to 'create a music video that appeals to a chosen music genre and target audience' The use of narrative and performance combines the genres of pop and indie well and the result is an on trend teenage relationship with a young girl appearing iconic and talented during the performance of the indie song. The song itself built strong lyrical and visual links within our video, and our two ancillary products also followed the conventions of indie music and had strong themes that meant our overall product was sold to our target audience successfully.

The cinematography and locations were diverse and typical of the indie genre as we focused on naturalistic settings that contrasted with urban locations. We also used conventional iconography such as the guitar which conformed with the indie genre and also drinking and smoking which portrayed the rebellious nature of the teens which was wanted by our target audience after we put together our vox pops and research. The style of our video was also successful as we wore on trend clothing that made the artist appear iconic and in keeping with the indie genre. All in all we kept closely to the brief and made a series of successful products that promote the artist and bring the genre of indie to a mainstream audience in a successful and diverse way.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of why audience feedback is essential to carry out. It is also clear to see that you have considered the comments made by your audience. Did you take these comments on board?
