Sunday 5 January 2014

Music video rough cut

The rough cut of our music video is a very important aspect to consider simply because it allows us to have first hand feedback as a group about the decisions we have made regarding our media product we have created. The decision we made during feedback are open for criticisms and the rough cut gave us an insight on what the majority of people thought, in particular the response of our target audience of 12 to 24 year olds. As a group we are able to respond to the feedback and perhaps change some unpopular elements within our rough cut before releasing our final piece.


How did you receive your feedback? Youtube, interviews?
What feedback did you receive?
We shared our rough cut video on Facebook via YouTube. I felt this was necessary because Facebook is one of the largest and most used/popular existing social networking platform.  Between us we could also share our video on a variety of different profiles. By doing this our video could reach a wider audience, and it proved very successful because it gained likes and shares from a variety of individuals on facebook. We recieved mostly positive feedback, with a number of people liking the video. Comments from our peers also game from our chosen demographic of 13-24 year olds with everyone liking the video and even saying how professional everything looked. We gained some slightly negative feedback that we could have had more footage as there was some blanks in part of the video. However we were already aware of this and were waiting to insert new footage before the final deadline. Our audience widened once we shared the video, and the views and likes on Facebook and you tube continue to grow.

"This is really good! Great shots and brilliant song choice :D "
We gained this comment on youtube from an 18 year old girl. This is great as it praises our choices as a group and ensures us that we have done a good job at targeting our chosen audience. We were worried at the beginning that those who weren't that familiar with the indie music genre would maybe be skeptical of the song. However this comment proves that the song is popular among our audience and hopefully we can reach out the to public and get more teenagers interested in the indie music genre, this would make our artist more successful and considered a trend setter which would really boost her profile. The comment came from a male aswell, which is another reasuring aspect because we really wanted to appeal to both genders which we clearly have achieved.

We received a variety of comments via mobile devices, this proves that in our research our findings were correct and in order to attract a young audience we need to appeal to them through social networking which is growing rapidly thanks to the invention of the smart phone. We can use this information and when we release our final video appeal to this spectrum of people and make it easier for viewers to watch on the go by ensuring our you tube settings allow for mobile devices to access the video.


How will the feedback assist you with finalising your final music video?

The verbal feedback we received was again very positive. Rowan Wyllie a Sixthform student aged 16, praised the video but again agreed that more dramatic footage needed to be added. We have taken this comment on board and actually decided to get some short clips of the couple in the video arguing. This will add a more dramatic twist to our video and hopefully make our final product more of a success.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing why audience feedback is essential to consider, through your rough cut. You have also included the comments that you received, but you have failed to reflect on the comments and how you will implement the changes within your next cut.
